Saturday, April 21, 2012

dw frost reforging

i'm trying to calculate which stats to reforge so that i can get the most out of haste and mastery while still maintaining the hit and exptertise caps. some items might make you go ??, but i've restored them to their original stats, trying to figure this out.
Mainhand, Hit -> Haste
OH, Crit -> Exp
Relic, Crit -> Mastery
Helm, Crit -> Exp
Necklace, Mastery -> Haste
Shoulders, No reforging
Cloak, No Reforging
Bracer, Hit -> Haste
Gloves, No Reforging
Pants, Mastery -> Haste
Serrated Brimston, Crit -> Mastery

Gemming is good.

Bracer Enchant should be 50 Str or 50 Haste depnging on your G.
Feet should be 50 Haste.

go to

Yeah who woulda thought that it takes a supercomputer to do a feature of wow correctly , its seriously pretty good.

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