Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Really its a compilation of questions here. Ok so I usually run about 17k DPS in heroics... that seems crazy low to me. I feel like I have good enough gear, and I should be doing considerably better. I was just wondering if I may be missing something. I feel like I struggle with makin my runes work right. I read that I should only use Obliterate when I have FFUU or DD up. But if I have FD UD up or even FD FD up does it not produce the same effect? Is the purose not to keep a FU pair on full CD as often as possible to allow FS to bring it back? And how do I avoide always having a Death rune on CD I feel like I waste a FS when that happens... I tried only using OB when I have FFUU up but I feel like that leaves a ton of Downtime. Anyhow, thanks for all the help :)
17k in 359 seems fine honestly

From what I remember, spam obliterate, use FS for RE, make sure you're in Unholy presence.
too many questions >.<

hit things when they light up. /nod.

also, enchant your gear =/
You dont wanna only use obliterate when both sets of runes are up. This means you always have one set of runes not on cd. This means that they cant be brought back from runic empowerment.

What i generally do is after diseases are up, OB every km proc i get. If a km proc comes up when im down 1 rune, i'll blood tap it. If my runes are about to come up and a km has procced, i'll wait the 1-2 seconds to OB for the km crit (plus it then makes those runes viable to be brought back by runic empowerment), then frost strike.

As frost the key to maximizing your dps is to effectively use KM, and only frost strike when its viable to bring back runes (exception being you're at RP cap). Never OB when you have a rime up, unless you have all your runes up because you're potentially wasting one. There really shouldnt be many times where you have one leftover rune for an extended period of time. If it does occur tho, make the most of it via Blood tap, or if nothing else refresh blood plague between outbreaks with that rune. Although, if you only have one rune up, that means frost strike can proc an extra one, so dumping RP would be advised there

I run about 24-25k dps in heroics with 363ish ilvl gear (note this is with luck of the draw)

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