I have a question about my tank stats. The sticky says shoot for a little bit of hit and the 6% exp cap. But I have read that you shouldn't reforge avoidance for either hit or exp. Right now my total avoidance is about 34% (34.5% with Horn) but my hit is at 154(1.28%) and my exp is 113(12). They both seem a little low to me. My mastery is at 17.03(106%). Any advice on how I should handle the hit/exp? Should I not worry about it or reforge some avoidance? I have not done any raids as a tank. This is just gear I have pieced together from ZA/justice/valor. Thanks for the input.
IMO, don't worry about it all. I don't actively gain any Hit or Expertise myself, and I have no real issues with threat. Sure, I may miss occasionally with abilities, but since the runes don't get spent after missing, I just do it again. And unless someone actively taunts off me, I really have no one to worry about pulling threat off me.
But of course, trying to gain some Hit and Expertise does improve overall threat generation, so I guess it's really a preference.
Hit/expertise mainly come down to preference. If you want more hit/expertise, reforge for it if you can't find gear that natively has it. If you find hit/expertise to not be to your liking, reforge back.
On an unrelated note, I'd advise against gemming full stamina, and Bedrock Talisman is a terrible trinket. Go buy Impetuous Query.
Test a couple things yourself to see what you like and what your healers like.
In the last month I've gone from mastery for 2 weeks and then avoidance for 2 weeks and I'm now doing mastery + exp cap.
For the first 4 weeks I was running with what might as well have been 0 hit and 0 expertise. I assume if you can reforge/gear for expertise without taking like an extream 10% type hit anywhere else it's just nicer to do so that you won't be dodged and it'll reduce the chance you get parried.
You wont need hit/expertise unless you are having threat issues. If you decide you need either start with expertise to cap before you even consider hit though. Just pick either mastery or avoidance and reforge/gem for one or the other appropriately (based on stickies or something like www.askmrrobot.com)
Oh, and do what I say not what I do =P Progression raiding for DK's is a bit weird right now.
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