Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wtb a decent unholy guide

I was wondering if there was anyone that could point me in the direction of an at least decent and informative unholy pvp guide? I've seen half-assed ones around and they don't help at all.

I played frost PvP before 4.2 and I loved it, as 4.2's rolled around I still love frost for BGs but in arena it just doesn't work unless the team we're up against are scrubs.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good and informative guide, the most I know about unholy right now is, kite melee, apply your dots, spam chains and kite, keep desecrate down, when dark xfer procs, use it and pop unholy frenzy/goyle, and that's it, so far it doesn't work because I can do decent steady damage, but when it comes to burst it doesn't work, i'm also under the impression that unholy is more of a utility, and annoyance, then an actual damage dealing spec.
Arenajunkies might help.
Bump, im looking for one too is a decent area i found, covers most things helped me a lot for other chars
noxxic is a raiding site. completely different

This has a lot of stuff.
lol Unholy a child!
Deleted by Gimpey

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