Saturday, April 21, 2012

frost pvp macros

Hey guys i will only pvp on this toon so i was wondering if anyone could tell me good macros like i know theres 2 healing macros but may you guys share more. thanks so much
Here's a few useful ones:

"1 shot macro (not really but)"

/cast vicious gladiator's badge of victory
/cast pillar of frost
/cast horn of winter *this can any GCD you want it to be really, but having it as HoW I find is useful.

"MF focus"

#showtooltip mind freeze
/cast [target=focus, exists] mind freeze; mind freeze

"Strang focus"

#showtooltip strangulate
/cast [target=focus, exists] strangulate; strangulate

"DC self-heal"

#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast !Lichborne;
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

"Chains focus"

#showtooltip Chains of Ice
/cast [target=focus]Chains of Ice

"Grip focus"

#showtooltip death grip
/cast [target=focus, exists] death grip; death grip

A lot of really basic ones but yeah, using them makes your life that much easier.

"1 shot macro (not really but)"

/cast vicious gladiator's badge of victory
/cast pillar of frost
/cast horn of winter *this can any GCD you want it to be really, but having it as HoW I find is useful.

For that I use
/Cast Vicious Gladiator's Bade of Victory (13 or 14)
/Cast Blood Tap
/Cast Pillar of Frost

Only downside is that you have to click on it 3 times. But since I button spam anyway, the time it takes in between each action (specifically from blood tap into pillar of frost) is practically really really small, barely noticeable. (I've practically clicked the hotkey fast enough that both timers started on 20 seconds and counted down at the same time.)

I also hate having to wait for a frost rune to use a cooldown, so when all my runes are down, blood tap activates into a pillar of frost, and then ERW for a refresh in runes.

@OP You can also use

#showtooltip Death pact
/castsequence Raise Dead, Death Pact
Yeah, I can see how that would help, I usually only pop it when I know I can (and usually with Unholy Strength is procced)

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