Saturday, April 14, 2012

point of dks?

[:1]recently me and my rogue partner decided to do 3s(yes low rating, whatever)

point is every time we see a DK with 1 healer, that dk dies in a smoke bomb, the amount of mitgation the dk has is just too low, right now if we see a healer+dk+xxx, we just train the dk and the dk dies within a few seconds.

Unfortunately it goes the same for me, im usually the target, and being forced to run with blade barrier and 4400 resilience.

In other words, dks are just too easy to kill for melee
I hear you there, I'm not an extremely high rating and I get trained sometimes when I don't rotate cooldowns effectively. . But A well timed IBF during a stun lock, and anti-magic shell when up against casters, and the zone for when the battle comes to close quarters all are effective ways to take less damage.

Not to mention lichborne healing does quite a bit, on top of the ghoul sac (not my first preference) and even though it sucks and eats away all of your runes, death strike has still saved my life countless times.

I will agree with you that we can be trained, but not until after I blow the full arsenal to stay alive, which usually works.
Deleted by Chiyou
its not that dk's are too easy to kill, lots of classes are just as easy. its that dk's have no moves to stop incoming damage on the caliber of: iceblock, vanish, deterrence, disperse, bubble, leap, intervene, bear-form, teleport, fear...etc.

you look at the top dps' in any arena comp and its clear that the classes with the most/best o'crapola buttons dominate.

the other thing is, you're only as good as your healer. i've never had the luxury of running with a great healer yet on my dk, but i've fought against them and for a dk, you need a great healer.
recently me and my rogue partner decided to do 3s(yes low rating, whatever)

point is every time we see a DK with 1 healer, that dk dies in a smoke bomb, the amount of mitgation the dk has is just too low, right now if we see a healer+dk+xxx, we just train the dk and the dk dies within a few seconds.

Unfortunately it goes the same for me, im usually the target, and being forced to run with blade barrier and 4400 resilience.

In other words, dks are just too easy to kill for melee

That is way too much not run anything over 4200 resil. Personally I only run with 3750 resil if I am not getting targetted and 4150 resil if I am.

My advice is play with a class that the opposing team has to control. In other words play with a mage, warlock or hunter. Anything else you will have a really hard time staying alive.

Also save your cds for when you need it...i.e. do not blow AMS at 100k+ health.

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