Thursday, April 12, 2012

Heroic level DW Weapon Alternatives

[:1]My guild has a couple of heroics under their belt and has been killing them for the past few weeks; 6 heroic shannox kills and 2 heroic lord rhyolith kills with heroic beth coming the next raid night (1% and 2% wipes = lol). Out of those kills, we have only seen 1 crystallized fire drop.... an item that quite a few classes need but has a less than 5% drop rate is stupid. We have hunters and druids that want to upgrade their pole-arms, rets and dps warriors that want to upgrade their trinkets, tanks that want to upgrade their necks/rings/trinket, and dps casters that want to upgrade their weapons.

Lots of people want them and the chances of getting 1 are pretty slim let alone 2 to upgrade obsidium cleaver x2. With that in mind, I started looking at possible weapon alternatives and only things I see are the heroic tank weapon from Beth'tilac Mandible of Beth'tilac and the heroic agi axe from Baleroc Gatecrasher. It seems that the only real viable alternative is the tanking weapon. The dodge can be reforged into haste and you would have something almost comparable to heroic obsidium cleavers Obsidium Cleaver. The weapon speed, damage range, dps, top end damage, and strength are basically all the same. Heroic Obsidium Cleaver has 1 more top end damage than heroic Mandible and you would have about 85 wasted dodge rating after the reforge.

I am not advocating or saying that DW DKs should get these weapons before the main tanks, I think these should go to main tanks first without a doubt.

But assuming that your main tanks already have them and you get more of the Mandibles to drop, do you guys see this as a worthwhile upgrade to regular obsidium cleavers while you wait for a Crystallized Firestone drop? Would you bid the dkp and take it after the main tanks had them? Personally, I think I would go for 1 of them and for 1 crystallized firestone and dual wield heroic Mandible and heroic OC until no one else needed a firestone for main spec. What are your thoughts and opinions?
DKP is lame

but regardless, heroic mandibles are #2 in slot behind heroic cleavers. If you're alliance (human/gnome), they're both virtually identical since you'd get the expertise racial bonus.

I use one plus heroic cleaver since out of 30ish heroic boss kills my guild has seen a grand total of 2 of these wretched items.
Woah... 30+ heroic kills and only 2 firestones? That does not give much hope of getting one lol

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