[:1]I just wanted to try hit out, so I reforged mastery and some haste to hit. I didn't like how I was missing 16-18% on my white. Ran ZA and before, I use to average about 15-16.5k overall. Now I am at 19-19.5k dps. Now I am missing only half at 7-8%.
I know that my FS isn't hitting as hard with the mastery to back it up, but more white damage= more KM procs right? Armory hasn't updated yet, but haste is at 71.49% Rune speed is at 8.08 and hit is 15.05%
I just wanted to know whether any other DK has done this with similar results.
Yeah, Mastery for dual wield is not good unless you are running in FP with massive amounts of Mastery and even then its sub par to HASTE stacking.
15% is definitely WAY to much. Anything more than 8 is pretty much a waste.
Ignore the tanking gear Im wearing currently lol.
www.wowreforge.com is your friend.
thanks, ill check out that website
It's up to you
You could think about it kinda like enhancement shamans do
Have a slightly higher hit than cap, landing more hits = more windfury's and such
Landing more white attacks could increase how many km procc's you get
Then again, you could just cap it at 8% and stack haste so your getting more hits out over your misses.
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